Top RV Travel Tips For The Computer Age

Technology and RV travel now go hand in hand. Technologically advanced travel aids have made hitting the road in your RV more convenient, safe and comfortable than you ever thought possible. Whether traveling across the country or just taking a weekend jaunt, travelers can now enjoy great ways to keep in touch, chart their course, and simply improve their overall trip.Staying In TouchRecent advances in technology has made using the Internet while on the road easier than ever before. Every year, even more restaurants, rest stops, and public parks add wifi hot spots for the convenience of their guests. In addition to public areas, many RV parks are now offering satellite internet connections, allowing overnight guests to login quickly and easily to connect with friends and family. Additionally, smart phones also have personal hot spots to keep you connected while you’re traveling.Social networking is a fun and easy way to keep in touch with family and friends during RV travels. Facebook is by far the most popular social media site on the Internet, with millions of members from around the globe. Set up a Facebook account before you go, and you’ll soon be able to connect with friends and loved ones almost anywhere. The site features internal email, update sharing, instant chat, and your own personal ‘wall’ where you can post all those fabulous photos of your trip. Members can also link to Facebook pages by or about RV travel. Schedule an RV get-together or send a birthday card to a friend; with newly updated security features, Facebook is one of the safest ways to find and connect with others who travel and are willing to share their tips for RV travel. If you like to keep in touch more spontaneously with short messages throughout the day, log onto Twitter, where you can post messages of 140 characters or less through your Internet connection or mobile phone. Travelers enjoy sending pithy little tips for RV travel to your RVing friends. Just ‘tweet’ them messages like, ‘Donna’s Diner in Provo, Utah – Great Homemade Pies!’ or ‘Pack extra sweaters for Gobe Desert at night. Temperatures drop rapidly this time of year!’ For full coverage, consider using an online social site like Facebook or MySpace for posting photographs and longer messages when you park for the night, but also use a Twitter account to send quick updates to followers throughout the day.Global Positioning SystemsOne of the most helpful tips for RV travel is to invest in a quality global positioning system (GPS). Men and women who would never dream of consulting a map enjoy using these global mapping systems. They’re high tech gadgets that talk to the user, and they employ satellite technology — what’s not to like? The latest GPS devices are so easy to use, even kids can use them. All you need to do is plug in the address you’re looking for or search for area landmarks, restaurants or attractions. The vocal commands mean travelers can use a GPS without needing a navigator to interpret the map, and the high tech, full color screens illuminate the desired route on the dashboard so drivers and passengers can easily check the location.There’s An App For ThatThe commercial that says, ‘There’s an app for that’ is telling the truth. Whether you’re looking for RV travel tips or simply want to find the next rest stop, there are mobile phone applications available for instant download. These mobile apps are created to improve travel experiences both online and offline. Some helpful apps that offer tips for RV travel and valuable travel advice include:Instragram – A photo sharing app for iPhone that includes filters for enhancing the photos before posting them through Facebook, Flickr or Twitter.Google Maps – A virtual, online navigator for web phones. Although it doesn’t have voice, it does let you get directions and track your route.Foursquare – A great app for exploring cities and towns throughout the world. Travelers can even check in with others who are in the area and discover suggested places to visit. Restaurants and tourist attractions are increasingly offering special deals expressly for Foursquare users.RV Travel is always an adventure. Luckily, with today’s nearly limitless Internet and smart phone options, you can explore in new ways and share your adventures easily with those you love. Try some of these new social media outlets yourself; you’ll love the way they enhance your RV travel adventures!

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